Weeworld Hacking
Hey guys, its me Vienna567
As you may know, a lot of hacking has been going on in Weeworld. the term "hacking" means
if someone gets into your account and changes your password just to lock you out of your account.
Well I'm gonna give u 6 tips about hacking:
1.If they say "Hey want some gold?" DO NOT believe them
2.If they're NOT on your friends list and you have never talked to them and
they ask you if you want gold, this is another warning of you're trying to be hacked
3.If they say, "want a free makeover?" DON'T believe them
4.If they're new to Weeworld (Level 1-5) and say these things OBVIOUSLY DON'T believe them
5.If they say "Wanna trade accounts?" say NO
6.Looks can be convincing. No matter HOW rich they look, DON'T DO IT!!!
PLEASE take this article seriously. I have even been a victim of getting hacked. Remember Vinity? Well my account
Vinity got hacked 'cause I actually fell for one of the hackers' tricks. I deeply regret it and I really know how much
Weeworld means to some people on here, so I suggest you make a Weeworld

Vienna567 happened to be one of my backup accounts when I got hacked, so thank god I had Vienna567 otherwise I would have had to start ALL OVER. Here are 3 tips to making your backup account:
1. Make it a similar name to your main account (Vinity,Vinity1 etc,) I didn't do that xD
2. DO NOT USE the same password for it
3. Add your really close friends FIRST then you add others
Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
WWN CEO/Reporter
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