

     Hey, Vienna567 again. This is about bullying. The term 'Bullying' or to 'Bully' someone is to either physically or verbally insult someone or be mean to them. I am absolutely AGAINST bullying, and I hope each and every one of you are also. I, like a lot of you most likely, have been bullied in my life. It happened in Pre-school when these two girls made fun of something I wore. I can't believe I still remember it 'til this day. Unfortunately, I didn't really tell anyone about it.
       I recently met a Weeworld user name WzzyTheLegend. He went through not only bullying, but other HORRIBLE times in his life. "I often cry myself to sleep at night", He said in his video 'If You Really Knew Me....Weeworld...WzzyTheLegend'. I was heartbroken and inspired from his video, and now I really want to put an end to bullying. Also, there are A LOT of people that witness bullying. 'It's not my problem,' some say. 'I don't want to get bullied too'. That's called being a by-stander. Don't only not bully others, but don't watch others get bullied! It doesn't make you much better than the bully him/herself. 
       Please watch WzzyTheLegend's video, and put an END to bullying once and for all! Don't be a bully, and don't be a by-stander either.

Thanks for reading,

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