
Do you really need gold to be fashionable?

By lilrihannaAriana


         If you're like me, and a few other WeeWorld users, you don't have a lot of gold to spend. But that's okay, because here are a few interviews that I've done to help out quite a few WeeWorld users. 

These Questions Were Answered By: FOREVERs

         "Right now, I would say that fashion in WeeWorld now, is mainly circled around tights and bubble gum. I see them around everywhere! Ribbons also seem to be big. I actually think that you don't need gold to be fashionable. Although it really does help.If you don't have any gold, you can still be very fashionable! It's just a matter of how you put your outfits together. The main problem with not having gold, is that you can't get most of the popular items. For example, there are a few anime eyes that you can get with green, however the best ones cost gold points. If you want gold points that badly, I recommend watching videos, and taking offers. They're the quickest and easiest ways to get gold although they don't give you much. I Also encourage WeeWorld users to wear accessories! They may not seem like much at first, but they are a MUST! Accessories can add so much to such a plain outfit. Even though you always want to match your clothes, you should NEVER match your hair with your clothes. It's just tacky an unsightly."

I had fun doing this interview with FOREVERs. It really opened my eyes to what most WeeMees dont understand about online fashion. 

Thank you so much for reading this article 


Items Becoming VIP That Once Were For All Members!

By CoolKidGellaaay

WeeWorld needing more money?
Simple question that can be answered easily!
WeeWorld has made many non-VIP items into VIP items because they need more money to make the site better and safer.
Also many items that were once 125 gold have raised back to their normal high price, but some are still at that low rate.
WeeWorld has also added new VIP items to the store so if you want you can check them out!

-CoolKidGellaaay (AJ)